Playbill and tickets

Mikhail Bulgakov

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Nearest shows: 6.03, 25.03, 4.04, 16.04, 2.05, 31.05, 12.06

To the 80th anniversary of the People’s Artist of Russia Vasiliy Ivanovich Bochkaryov

«“And that’s what happens, Doctor, when the investigator, instead of feeling his way and moving parallel to nature, forces the question and tries to raise the curtain”. For me this phrase is a key quote in the Bulgakov’s novella “Heart of a Dog”», – says Performance Director Honored Artist of Russia Aleksey Dubrovsky. – A great film by Vladimir Bortko released in 1988 is well known to all of us. It got into context of political and social changes which took place in our country and called “Perestroyka”. However, 35 years has passed and the emphasis has shifted. The perception of complicated time of 20’s is no longer one-sided and direct, because everyone had his own truth. The character of the novella, the dog Sharik, later turned into Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov, nowadays appears to be a victim rather than an antagonist. No wonder he repeats from time to time: “I didn’t ask you to do the operation, did I?”. Professor Preobrazhensky raised the “curtain”, went too far and didn’t realize where his mistake would lead. The mistake wasn’t in personality of Klim Chugunkin whose brain was inserted in Sharik, but in reasonability of the operation itself. Even the professor asks: “Will you kindly tell me why one has to manufacture artificial Spinozas when some peasant woman may produce a real one any day of the week?”.

Creating the scenery the designer was inspired by Tatlin's architectural project "Tower of the 3rd International", which wasn’t realized.
Performance Director – Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the Russian Government Award Aleksey Dubrovsky
Set design and costumes - laureate of the Russian Government Award Maria Utrobina

Premiere - December 17th, 2022

Suitable for 12+ yrs

Stage-version by A. Dubrovskiy

Roles and actors:

Professor Preobrazhensky Laureate of the State prizes of the Russian Federation, народный артист России Vasiliy Bochkaryov

Doctor Bormenthal Igor Petrenko

Sharik, also known as Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov Vladimir Tyaptushkin

Fedor, an usher народный артист России Vladimir Nosik

People's Commissar народный артист России Viktor Nizovoy заслуженный артист России Sergey Tezov

a patient Recipient of the Prize of the Russian Federation Government, народный артист России Alexander Ermakov заслуженная артистка России Lyudmila Shcherbinina

Zinaida Mariya Kriventseva

Daria народная артистка России Alyona Okhlupina

Shvonder Mikhail Martyanov

Vyazemskaya Mariya Seryogina

Pestruhin Alexander Nikiforov

заслуженный артист России Sergey Veshchev заслуженный артист России Viktor Bunakov заслуженный артист России Alexander Beliy заслуженный артист России Sergey Kagakov Viktor Andrianov Aleksey Anokhin Anna Shishkina заслуженная артистка России Zinaida Andreeva Stanislav Soshnikov Mikhail Zubarev Polina Loran Vladimir Alekseev Денис Косиков Kirill Shvartsenberg Алэн Салтыков Evgeniy Voronov Александр Годованец Арсений Сидякин Анна Мадонова Алёна Ревнёва Екатерина Гревцева Ирина Тури Валерия Платонова Елизавета Долбникова Петя Папков Марк Рабинович Артём ГригорьевAssistant conductor, orchestra soloist (trumpet)
Honoured Cultural Worker of Russia
Honoured Artist of the Chechen Republic,
Viktor Kozlov
Honoured Cultural Worker of Russia, Valeriy MedvedevLaureate of the All-Union competition, Gulfira SaitovaLaureate of the All-Russian competition, Rostislav Novikov Виктор Омельянович Полина Зибарева Сергей Стёпин Руслан Савельев

Mikhail Bulgakov
Stage-version by A. Dubrovskiy

Nearest shows: 6.03, 25.03, 4.04, 16.04, 2.05, 31.05, 12.06
Buy tickets

To the 80th anniversary of the People’s Artist of Russia Vasiliy Ivanovich Bochkaryov

«“And that’s what happens, Doctor, when the investigator, instead of feeling his way and moving parallel to nature, forces the question and tries to raise the curtain”. For me this phrase is a key quote in the Bulgakov’s novella “Heart of a Dog”», – says Performance Director Honored Artist of Russia Aleksey Dubrovsky. – A great film by Vladimir Bortko released in 1988 is well known to all of us. It got into context of political and social changes which took place in our country and called “Perestroyka”. However, 35 years has passed and the emphasis has shifted. The perception of complicated time of 20’s is no longer one-sided and direct, because everyone had his own truth. The character of the novella, the dog Sharik, later turned into Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov, nowadays appears to be a victim rather than an antagonist. No wonder he repeats from time to time: “I didn’t ask you to do the operation, did I?”. Professor Preobrazhensky raised the “curtain”, went too far and didn’t realize where his mistake would lead. The mistake wasn’t in personality of Klim Chugunkin whose brain was inserted in Sharik, but in reasonability of the operation itself. Even the professor asks: “Will you kindly tell me why one has to manufacture artificial Spinozas when some peasant woman may produce a real one any day of the week?”.

Creating the scenery the designer was inspired by Tatlin's architectural project "Tower of the 3rd International", which wasn’t realized.
Performance Director – Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the Russian Government Award Aleksey Dubrovsky
Set design and costumes - laureate of the Russian Government Award Maria Utrobina

Premiere - December 17th, 2022

Suitable for 12+ yrs

Roles and actors

Professor Preobrazhensky Laureate of the State prizes of the Russian Federation, народный артист России Vasiliy Bochkaryov

Doctor Bormenthal Igor Petrenko

Sharik, also known as Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov Vladimir Tyaptushkin

Fedor, an usher народный артист России Vladimir Nosik

People's Commissar народный артист России Viktor Nizovoy заслуженный артист России Sergey Tezov

a patient Recipient of the Prize of the Russian Federation Government, народный артист России Alexander Ermakov заслуженная артистка России Lyudmila Shcherbinina

Zinaida Mariya Kriventseva

Daria народная артистка России Alyona Okhlupina

Shvonder Mikhail Martyanov

Vyazemskaya Mariya Seryogina

Pestruhin Alexander Nikiforov

заслуженный артист России Sergey Veshchev заслуженный артист России Viktor Bunakov заслуженный артист России Alexander Beliy заслуженный артист России Sergey Kagakov Viktor Andrianov Aleksey Anokhin Anna Shishkina заслуженная артистка России Zinaida Andreeva Stanislav Soshnikov Mikhail Zubarev Polina Loran Vladimir Alekseev Денис Косиков Kirill Shvartsenberg Алэн Салтыков Evgeniy Voronov Александр Годованец Арсений Сидякин Анна Мадонова Алёна Ревнёва Екатерина Гревцева Ирина Тури Валерия Платонова Елизавета Долбникова Петя Папков Марк Рабинович Артём ГригорьевAssistant conductor, orchestra soloist (trumpet)
Honoured Cultural Worker of Russia
Honoured Artist of the Chechen Republic,
Viktor Kozlov
Honoured Cultural Worker of Russia, Valeriy MedvedevLaureate of the All-Union competition, Gulfira SaitovaLaureate of the All-Russian competition, Rostislav Novikov Виктор Омельянович Полина Зибарева Сергей Стёпин Руслан Савельев
